Meet the Baker!

Hi, I'm Cheyenne Price

Owner & Creator of Let's Get Baked Artisan Desserts




When this journey began it wasn't because I was an awesome baker, designer, or decorator. Truly it was just the opposite. You can ask anyone who attended my oldest daughters 3rd birthday party in 2012, my skills were NOT on point. While the cake turned out to be a humorous joke, I had the time of my life staying up all night creating this giant disaster for my sweet girl. From that day forward I watched countless hours of video, took courses with some of the most incredible internationally known artists, and practiced for many years to create what has now become Let's Get Baked Artisan Desserts! However, I can't take all the credit. My daughters play a major roll in making our business successful. Without their endless hours of packaging, zesting, marketing, company keeping, and all around support this dream would never survive. I specialize in dessert bars, pastries, and non-traditional cakes. Let's take an adventure outside of the box, and create something unforgettable!